Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Loves Like a Hurricane, I Am A Tree

Oh, worship songs. I know that the intent is pure, but they often border on the ludicrous. However, every so often, a song goes above and beyond. Leaving behind the realm of the ludicrous, they pass directly into the absurd.

Back in September, I posted the lyrics of the most ridiculous worship song I had ever heard. I had believed this song could never be topped due to its utterly befuddling lyrics. However, today in chapel, I heard a competitor for this title. Without further ado, behold: How He Loves Us.

He is jealous for me
Loves like a hurricane, I am a tree
Bending beneath the weight of His wind and mercy

When all of a sudden, I am unaware
of these afflictions eclipsed by glory

and I realize just how beautiful You are
and how great your affections are for me.

Oh, how He loves us so

Oh, how He loves us

How He loves us so.

Yeah, He loves us
Woah, how He loves us
Woah, how He loves us

Woah, how He loves.

So we are His portion and He is our prize,

Drawn to redemption by the grace in His eyes

If grace is an ocean we're all sinking

So heaven meets earth like a sloppy wet kiss
and my heart turns violently inside of my chest

I don't have time to maintain these regrets
when I think about the way

That he loves us,

Woah, how He loves us

Woah, how He loves us

Woah, how He loves

He loves us,

Woah, how He loves us

Woah, how He loves us

Woah, how He loves

Woah how he loves us indeed. So, readers, give me your vote: which song is more absurd, and why?

:Edit: For a complete critique of this song, visit this link.


shane said...

WHOA this one.

The wet sloppy kiss did me in. (That's what...nvm.)

If grace is an ocean we're all sinking.

Padraic said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Padraic said...

Definitely this one! My favorite line was the same as Shane's,

'So heaven meets earth like a sloppy wet kiss
and my heart turns violently inside of my chest'

It is so poetic and moving, no similarities between this and a teen aged porn film

Ironically enough, my verification is 'jestrok' ... you connect it

Anonymous said...

Don't you realize that this is someones worship your mocking? I know that you may not like it and find it absurd, but this is someone pouring out their heart to their God and creator. You don't know what they've been through and all that God has done for them. This is their letter to God, and they let others hear it in hopes that it would speak to anyone who may have been in a similar position. Just because you don't like what someone has written doesn't give you the right to mock them. This is their out pour of love on God, not yours, you have the right to worship him in anyway you please,and they have theirs. If it annoys you so much don't listen to it. Leave it for those who enjoy what the song has to offer.

shane said...

Anonymous wrote, "If it annoys you so much don't listen to it." However, when songs like this lovely gem are used in worship services, we don't exactly have a choice, do we?

As you said, the intent was clearly pure. But when choosing music for a worship service, it is very important to filter the content by theological and poetic/lyrical standards. I have tried my hand at writing a few songs and poems, and although they express my own feelings, I doubt that any minister in his right mind would choose to use such amateur music in a corporate setting.

To quote Anonymous, "This is their letter to God."

Perhaps it should remain just that.

The Wanderer said...

To Anonymous:

I prefaced this article by assuming pure intent. And, I would much rather have never heard this song, seeing how it was thrust upon me by mandatory chapel. Rest assured, I have yet to willingly listen to the song.

But, quick question: if we are assuming that the author of this song has the right to worship God however he sees fit, then how does that right somehow negate my right to point out the ways in which I find this song to be undesirable?

Anonymous said...

Allow me to back track a little. You have every right to find this song undesirable and annoying, the thing that so upset me was that you publicly mocked it for all to see. I can't imagine what this would do to the person that wrote this. I know the song isn't anything great, but (i'm gonna go out on a limb here and think y'all are Christians) as fellow brothers in Christ shouldn't we treat each other with kindness? When someone shares a part of their heart and you tear it apart online, what do you think will happen when they see this?

The Wanderer said...

Anonymous, I realize that worship songs are written as letters of devotion and praise from human beings to God. However, these songs are also art, and as art are open to criticism in the public arena. If one does want their art to be criticized, they should not have it published and circulated.

There is a difference, however, between public displaying art and sharing it privately. Were I a close friend of the artist of this song, and they shared it with me, I would express my feelings in a much gentler and understanding manner. I don't believe this need be the case with mass-marketed media.

For example, I write poetry. (There are even a couple of those poems here on this blog that I invite you to read and mock if you desire to do so.) I shared them on the internet, so they are open to public critique. Thus it is so with all art, even praise and worship music.

Anonymous said...

I think what the original anonymous poster is bothered by is the fact that God calls us to honor each other. Of course, this doesn't mean that we can't have different styles and tastes, but I personally believe it does mean to treat each other respectfully-though I guess what is respectful and what is not is somewhat subjective. Maybe you could talk to the worship team at your church and see what touched them about this song? I have personally been really moved by some pretty silly songs in my just depends where you're at and what you're going through, I guess. :) God bless!

Anonymous said...

I personally like this song a lot. This is probably just adults arguing about all this, but I am a teen, just turned 15 a couple weeks ago.
I just got back from an event called Acquire The Fire just 12 hours ago, and Phil Joel played this song. This weekend was the first time I EVER heard this song and it blew me away.
Sometimes, I just do not understand adults, their intentions and what not. My church is filled with adults that just complain. My friend Ray who is in college now said that he doesn't like the adult portion of the church because of how much they complain about worship, our youth pastor, and they way the youth may worship.
So, I'm trying to say that this song is someone trying to reach out to people like GOD called him to do. Cut the song a break and just worship.

Anonymous said...

maby you should know that this isnt in fact a worship song, it was a song a guy wrote for his friend who had passed away the day before,he had no intent of it being for worship. but it is played in churches.

anyways your ignorance is amazing i cant believe you are talking down a song that you believe is a song of worship. but i guess God will take care of that

The Wanderer said...

To the latest Anonymous commentator:

Maybe you should know that God doesn't "take care of" people for mild criticism about a song that was seen as somewhat ridiculous. And, if this was written about a recently deceased friend, then, I'm sorry, but it makes even less sense than if it were a worship song.

Anonymous said...

hey -> so im not the anonymous up top ^ and im not an adult either
(16 years old)

Honestly I find this song is amazing. It really touches many people's hearts and it just shows a bit of how much God really loves us. - i realize this may sound repetative to all those who have heard lines like that before. And i think it's an AWESOME praise song

and yes the writer John Mark wrote it after his friend died- but it was a worship song to God
hence the verse:

"[Whispered]: Well, I thought about You the day Stephen died and You met me between my breaking
I know that I still love You, God, despite the agony
...they want to tell me You're cruel
But if Stephen could sing, he'd say it's not true, cause...[voice breaks]..."

so all i'd like to say is God is awesome and this song makes me cry because of how much He loves us.

- even if you don't like the song- you can't escape from His love
... haha no one can!

Dani said...

I am pouring my heart out to God right now. Let me worship with you:

"I wanna get on my knees and start pleasing Jesus. I want to feel his sweet salvation all over my face."

[For Shane: Verification: Kilowee(!!!!)]

Jeff said...

It seems that all of you have forgotten that any one who claims to be a Christian is someone who should understand what it means to be given grace. Christ did not say that the world would know by how well we can critique each others songs, or by how good our theology is...He said it would be by our love for one another. If Christ is the infleshing of God, and we are the infleshing if Him, it doesn't seem like Christ is anywhere in this post. I am not saying that we shouldnt critique each others stuff, there are some problems in the song for sure(and any other worship song ever written by non-inspired human hands), but it doesnt seem like anyone here is critiquing with the goal of being incarnational, and redemptive.....sad. It is posts and comments like the ones above that cause many lost people to ask if we even walk what we talk. Christ was the word become flesh and we are to be the word always becoming flesh. It just seems like we are just being the flesh....

The Wanderer said...

And how, pray tell, does one critique "incarnationally", Jeff?

Stephen said...

Assuming that Wanderer's last comment had a sarcastic connotation...It seems that Jeff has already answered it -

"Christ was the word become flesh and we are to be the word always becoming flesh. It just seems like we are just being the flesh...."

Reflection on this truth inspired the likes of Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, etc. for decades...

Personally, I don't like the song.
Theologically, "if grace is an ocean, we're all sinking" - that rings frighteningly (if that is even a word) true.
Lyrically, seems ignorant to evaluate or use in a corporate worship setting a song without its knowledge of its context.
Incarnationally, crititque as if you truly believe that Christ reveals himself through the Church. Certainly a challenge, doesn't mean it shouldn't be strived for.


The Wanderer said...

Jeff and Stephen, I'm sorry if my post and my responses to the posts of others have in some way offended you or seem to somehow obstruct our human process of being "the word always becoming flesh" (whatever that might mean).

However, this post was simply written with the intention of showing that the ways in which we express ourselves musically as followers of Christ can be artistically lacking, and if we are to use these songs in a corporate worship setting, then perhaps we should take more time to actually think about what we are saying.

Jeff has said that "it is posts and comments like the ones above that cause many lost people to ask if we even walk what we talk", but I think it is important to understand the power that music (and the lyrics of said music) have to either persuade or dissuade people from the Church. And, as such, I think that perhaps our music should be selected with consideration to that fact.

If you can't see the incarnation of Christ in that, Jeff and Stephen, then I'm sorry. But, Christ is manifested in many different ways, and since God has given us brains in order that we might use them, I think at least one of those ways is through the processes of rational inquiry.

Anonymous said...

Wow, all the controversy... I am intrigued why people are shocked, disgusted, annoyed (?) by the "sloppy wet kiss" line. Who created kissing? Why would using this as a metaphor to describe our relationship with the Creator of everything, including the kiss, be unusual or weird? Kissing can be a beautiful thing. I like the passion it connotes. I love to think of my relationship to God being passionate. I pray that everyone could feel that passionate about God and know that He feels that passionately about us.

Jeff said...

I am sorry if I have offended anyone by writing on this post. It seems that I may have implied that we should not critique works of art in the Church. I never intended that. I do think(as I said in my original post), that this song has some problems. All I was saying was that we should be more Christ like with our critiques, and less willing to make(and leave) posts like Dani's up for all to see. Maybe i'm wrong, and if I am, then I will stand correctd. As for the Word always becoming flesh, if this is a thought you have never heard I would encorage some study into Sacramental Theology...

Mary said...

Truthfully, I just think it's beautiful. Jesus loved those who just listened to Him and loved Him, like Mary of Bethem and Peter. And I can't see any better way of praying and connecting to God than singing what we truly feel in our hearts.

As far as "persuading" people to the Church, it is songs like these in the coming generations that will. Don't you all realize that the one thing that the whole world lacks is love? So shouldn't a song about the amazing love of Jesus be just the right song? I don't understand why you think this would dissuade people.

By the way, I'm not offended by anything you guys have said. I think it's cool to get a bunch of a opinions, so after listening to yours, I'm just posting mine.

Anonymous said...


its so touching.

Anonymous said...

I think this whole thread is ridiculous. Who cares if you don't like this song. Who cares if you were forced to listen to it in chapel. Get over yourself! This song was not written for you and your feelings. It was written to worship the Creator of the universe, the God of the world who graciously and lovingly humbled himself to save you. (Even if it was not written with the intent to be used in chapels, churches, etc. it is still an offering of worship for our Lord) Worship is not about pleasing you. It's about pleasing God.

Anonymous said...

this song started one of the biggest teenage revivals ever.
it brought me alot closer to God the first time i heard it actually.
its amazing.

Anonymous said...

I am not sure that those are the original words to the song - I have sung it before and there is no verse about a sloppy wet kiss.

Tiff said...

Ohhhh Lordy. This song is beautiful. I love the sinking in His grace part, I'm not sure what anyone can see as theologically wrong with these lyrics. Isn't Psalms full of feelings and emotions and yet somehow the book made it into the bible (and it is one of my favorites!).. I don't mean to offend anyone but when I read this post it came off as "making fun of" the song. I sensed frustration and angst from the poster, not a sincere (love-based) concern for the atmosphere of worship in chapels. Everyone knows when they are speaking out of love and when they are speaking out of judgment, its just obvious. That is the only issue I see here, with every word that is spoken, is it coming from love or something else? That should be the clue as to what should and shouldn't be said. I hope we can have more grace with each other than this.. :/

Anonymous said...

It is unthinkably selfish to say that this song should not be played in a worship service because you aren't fond of one or two of the metaphors used. When frankly, you have NO IDEA how this song may affect other people in that same room. The same song that you call absurd could make all the difference in the world to one person.

As Christians, we are supposed to speak truth in love. We are representing Christ, not ourselves, to those who don't know him. That said, you have every right to critique songs... with love. However, if I was the songwriter in this case, I can't say that i would care in the least what you all have said about the song. Because it's true, this song was not meant for you. It was meant to be a praise to God.

shane said...

I am the Sloppy Wet Kiss in question, and I would like tell everyone that we have never charged any tree we ever ministered at for one dime...however what does the Bible say? We should never sink in the Grace that treads out the put a muzzle on a Hurricane when you do not want him to eat. What about the fact that a grace is worthy of sinking? Does anyone have any idea what the heart was oringinally used for? I will be glad to explain it...even though it is old testament scripture, which is our School-Master it is viable for us today.

Levi.Weeks said...

Personally I love this song I heard it yesterday and I was looking for the lyrics and this is what I come accross..

But anyways I love this song, it talks about how much God loves us and how He is a jealous God. The only part that I dont like a lot is that part about the sloppy kiss. But the part about we are sinking in and ocean of God's grace, that is so true we dont deserve anything from God but yet he pours his grace out on us.

Anyways not to add to the controversy or anything but I love this song..

Anonymous said...

"I am the Sloppy Wet Kiss in question, and I would like tell everyone that we have never charged any tree we ever ministered at for one dime...however what does the Bible say? We should never sink in the Grace that treads out the put a muzzle on a Hurricane when you do not want him to eat. What about the fact that a grace is worthy of sinking? Does anyone have any idea what the heart was oringinally used for? I will be glad to explain it...even though it is old testament scripture, which is our School-Master it is viable for us today."

Uh... what?

Anonymous said...

"By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." John 13:35

listen to Jesus on this one guys. my best friend who is 30 gave his heart to Christ this morning at church because of this song. he never cries like NEVER and he was on his knees crying hysterically bowing down because of this song. i thought it was a strange song until i saw God working thru it. everybody is entitled to their opinions but there is a line. openly bashing something that touches people and brings a person to cant be right. ruining something that changes life and brings people to that place where everything fits is an amazing feat. and if a song as silly as this can accomplish it then so be it. Go and be blessed brothers and sisters.

Anonymous said...

this is why the song was written

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
The Wanderer said...

In response to the last anonymous commentor:

I am aware of the story behind this song; however, listening to the artist talk about the story, I like it even less, because he seems to imply that God will kill someone in order to change lives. I don't know if I comfortable with believing that God killed that man, even if he did pray for it to happen if it would change lives.

Anonymous said...

God sent Jesus to die in order to change lives... There's nothing wrong with a man giving his life to make an impact on the world. If he had committed suicide then it would not have the impact that it does. It wasn't like God took his life and just left him to rot. He's in a much greater place now. Personally, I would be honored as anything to give up my life and have my death make that much impact on the world.

Anonymous said...

People have different ways of worshipping. I hesitate to mock any form of worship to Jehovah-God (and I happen to like this song, btw). People get too serious. Just let loose and poor out to God whatever's on your heart and mind. If that's how they want to put it, so what? There's a heart of passionate worship and gratitude in this song. Let's not knock it.

Anonymous said...

To Shane...

What's amatuer about using this in church? Lighten up. I'm sure God enjoys it. Why is the general church getting so uptight? Of course music should be clean, but who cares how it's worded if it brings glory to God?

And of the many anonymouses...

Are we seriously arguing and insulting about a WORSHIP song? Or what can certainly be used as a worship song? (keeping in mind the spirit of the singing, not the spirit in which it was written)'God will take care of that'...? God loves our worship when we worship in Spirit and Truth, not because we're being high-minded and churchy. We need to get rid of our religious spirit and get back to heart of worship (speaking of worship songs...)

Anonymous said...

Wow, You REALLY need to find God in your hearts. Anonymous is right, You should not be making fun of a Christian song. I hope that one day you all can find God.

Anonymous said...

The first time I heard this song I have to say that I initially agreed with your thoughts. But then I listened to it with out a critical ear and heard it with a heart of worship. Sure it seems cheesy and cliche but if you're there to worship God and not be a critic it, the song, grows on you. Just because it doesn't contain words as poetic as say Fred­er­ick Leh­man's "The Love of God" ( doesn't make it any less worshipful. Worship of God is not about whether or not you liked the song it's about praising God. "Ah, but wait!" some people might be thinking "This song is just so cheesy, I just can't sing it, I can't praise God and enjoy it." Well you're right. You in your own strength CANNOT praise God the Creator. Why? Because we're human :\. We're weak, our hearts are "desperately wicked, who can know them?" (paraphrasing from Jeremiah 17:9). I understand that this song seems extremely corny, I understand that many think my dialogue is too the extreme, but think about this. True worship isn't about pleasing yourself, it's about praising our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who is risen from the dead! And He, in our sin, still loves us beyond what words can tell (as demonstrated by this song :D). I don't mean for this to come across as me wagging my finger saying "Oh you're not worshiping God because you didn't like this song!" but it's something you have to come to a conclusion about for yourself. I'd suggest reading this article about worship:

And in the future if anyone doesn't particularly enjoy a song understand that we're created to praise God, He has commanded us to do so. So examine your heart ask God for help to praise Him, rather than focus on how bad the song sucks think about the truth it contains like the immeasurable love of our God and Savior Jesus Christ :).

Anonymous said...

To all of you out there who are basically saying that there is no meaning behind this song, I'm here to tell you that you are wrong.This song is the best song out there. It really portrays Christ's love for US!! even though we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD! he still LOVES LIKE A HURRICANE! he never ever ever ever ever gives up on us! Maybe yall will realize that someday....

Jennifer said...

"And Heaven meets Earth like an unforeseen kiss
And my heart turns violently inside of my chest"

At least get the lyrics right before you run it down... ;+)

The Wanderer said...

Actually, Jennifer, those are the updated and (while less likely to create a disturbing mental image) equally unintelligible lyrics as performed by David Crowder Band. The original lyrics are sloppy and wet.

Anonymous said...

You people obviously don't understand the awesomeness of our God and just how much he loves us. We worship him to try and show him we love and appreciate him and all he does in our lives. To mock this is just an awful thing to do. Personally, this is one of my favorite songs. It really is beautiful, and if yall could comprehend what it's saying, you would say so, too. We all worship in different ways. Think about that.

Jennifer said...

Yeah, that is probably good that got changed! Gotta say I agree! It works as a metaphor but so does a cleaning a dirty dish but I wouldn't put it in a religious song either - interrups and changes the tone too much!

Looking past obvious word problems however - it is beautiful and I'm glad I have heard it... ;+)

Anonymous said...

you don't get it that's why you mock it.
when it says he is jealous for me its saying God loves us so much that he doesn't want to share

The Wanderer said...

Actually, latest anonymous commenter, I am well aware of the definition of the word jealous. I also never mentioned having any problem with that part of the song. I'm okay with saying God is jealous for us; it's biblical, and it makes sense. It's other parts of the song that bother me.

Andrea said...

I find the sloppy wet kiss thing a bit too much. In fact, our church changed the lyrics and we sing something in its place. I do like this song is catchy and exactly how I feel about my relationship with God.

sarah said...

Well i'd have to start by saying im shcoked at how in the world you, the wander, can be so cruel yet say your know God. By best friend has come to christ recently and this song helped her see how much he DOES love her. I think that if you knew God and the GRACE HE HAS GIVEN YOU, then youd wanna give grace to others. So if you dont like the song, then close dont listen! Walk out of the room! obviously ur heart is already closed of to the fact that he loves you so much, it i s time to worship. Not be so judging. I was looking for the lyrics with my friend and your stupid argument, which has been going on for 9 months!!!, popped up?!? Please take your good arguing skills and go argue with someone about something that matter! Like abortion! Im only 20 and i feel like im back in middle school looking at this crap! Its ridiculous, stop! GLORIFY GOD IN EVERYTHING YOU DO. this is in NO means glorifying God! AT ALLLLLLL. so please, just get over it and honor God with everything you do.

Ohhh, and dont even waste your time replying because im not gonna waste mine coming back to argue with you. I have better things to do, like spread the word of God to nonbelievers or maybe... find the LYRICS i was looking for, so i can sing while i listen to this song! Because OH HOW HE LOVES US. u too can experience his great love and then you will understand what people love so much about this song.

Jennifer said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jennifer said...

I'm intrigued that someone would make a judgment call about the relationship a person has with God because that person don't like a particular set of lyrics in a song...How do you do that? So do you fancy that I would go to hell because I also do NOT like the lyrics "Sloppy Wet Kiss?" Wow - glad you don't get to decide

Adam said...

Sorry if this sparks up an argument again; I just figured I'd put in my two cents. :) I'm an 18 year old guy, freshman in college, just to put things into context, haha. Here's my interpretation of this song, at least.

I actually heard this song for the first time tonight at a culminating music festival on my campus and was looking up the lyrics/artist when I came across your page. While reading the lyrics, the following discussion about them, and then looking back at the night, I was definitely able to laugh at how poeticly cheesy they are, but I can honestly say that this song moved me more than any other from tonight.

Granted, we had a fantastic group of guys/girls from campus to lead us through the night, which gave it an extremely powerful atmosphere, but even the most mockable lyrics ("...heaven meets earth like a sloppy wet kiss") have a tremendous amount of power when you're actually in the mindset of worship. Being able to imagine God's gift as something that is as personal as an embarrassing kiss from a loved one is a gorgeously connected feeling. It doesn't come off as something dirty or "teenage love-y" to me at all, but instead brings up the imagery of a kiss from someone you're so close to that it doesn't really matter how it "lands," it's just a kiss to show a level of love, not any value of lust. It drives home a very important facet of Christianity as well, which is that God's love is personal and *real*; we're not just worshiping an emotionless, omnipotent, "man-behind-the-curtain" creator, we're in a relationship based on true love from a God who can easily match our passion for Him.

It's really amazing how the simple line "Oh, how He loves us" can provide such a rich palette of emotions, too. The build up from the poetic lyrics only help lead up to the driven, single-line-repitition chorus, as excessively metaphorical as the verses are. Even though the descriptions of God's love being like a hurricane, while we are a tree are over-the-top, it's powerfully accurate. Each verse is just trying to restate how unimportant the trials and difficulties of life are with God's love at your back. It's not meant to be something we sing placidly about, it's a tremendous weight that should entirely depict our life, in the same way that a hurricane has the ability to apply ridiculous force to a tree or the vastness of an "ocean of grace"; seemingly unending (or in a non-metaphorical sense, God's love really *is* unending). The things the artist used to describe His love were intentionally powerful, albeit destructive, because God's love has some intensely powerful implications. The artist/author used the descriptions of things that are physically powerful to describe something that is emotionally very powerful. Having just lost a close friend, God remained as his inspiration for praise. I especially like the line leading into the final chorus[es]: "I don't have time to maintain these regrets when I think about the way [that He loves us...]"

Again, this is really just my interpretation of the song. :) It was a wonderfully happy feeling to be yelling out the words to this simple chorus with hundreds of other Christians going through much more hardship than I was, knowing there's still a God in control through life's crap.

It really brings back up a point that we forget about a lot; Christianity isn't solely about our love for God, it's also about His love for us. And, oh, how He loves us, haha.

Anonymous said...

ok so my name is melissa adn i just turned 16. i also found this site while trying to find this song online and after reading shanes comment, i felt a need to reply. i was unaware that i was going to be reading comments for over half an hour.ok so here is my perspective. im not gonna lie, i was very upset that ppl were criticizing this be quite honest, i found it funny how shane, the wanderer, and Padriac made fun of this song. i say it was funny b/c of how absolutely naive they were. i kinda get the feeling that you guys arent necessarily christian, and i respect that. one of my best friends is agnostic. but you bloggers who were harping on this song need to realize that the only reason u dont like the song is b/c you are all so caught up in your opinion and going against the majority that you couldnt take some time to dig a little deeper to get to the real meaning of the 16 and even i took time to reflect adn realize how beautiful this song is. im going to reiterate what adam said here so bear with me. When the writer of this song put in the lyrics about the kiss, he was trying to get across how Our Lord is on such a personal level with us. He is not someone we should be frightened of or afriad to approach, but rather he wants us to be able to go up to him and put all of our struggles and burdens at his feet. just like it is written in the Bible, God is our FATHER. he wants to us to be able to tell him anything. im not going to rant on and on but i will say this. God is soooo much smarter then ANYONE can begin to comprehend. im in a salvation history class, and every other day i am astounded at how God did everything he did.the Bible isnt some book with a bunch of stuff that isnt possible, its a book filled with allusions and foreshadowing. EVERYTHING in that holy book make complete sense. you just need to take the time to understand it. what so many ppl don't understand though is that to fully understand the teh cultural background of the time when it was written. So now, I CHALLENGE YOU, shane, padriac, and especially you wanderer, to take a step back and take a long hard look at your life, and everythign you have done in it, adn ask yourself, what do you really have? take down those walls that you have built up, and let yourself become vulnerable. open your heart up to the Lord and just let him tell you what you need to hear. i apologize for this little "mini theology lesson," if you will, its just that I feel the need to share God's love and passion to as many ppl as possible. my heart is consumed with God and i want nothign more then everyone on this earth to realize what they are missing when they are so stubborn & ignorant. lastly, i ask u to please, dont blow this off. take some time and reflect. actuallly, it would be foolish to blow this off. you have absolutely NOTHING to lose. so please, open your heart. you will be surprised how at peace you will find yourself. God bless

Anonymous said...

I think this song is simply amazing and really has a lot to say.

Anonymous said...

Originally I didn't realize that this song was posted as the worst worship song. I think that is ridiculous mainly because you shouldn't be criticizing worship songs. If you don't like a song thats your business not something you should share with the world. This is a powerful song that somebody put their whole heart into it and ya'll who are condemning it shouldn't be because it was written for our heavenly father not you and I'm certain he found pure joy of it and it doesn't matter what you think of it.

Justin said...


Unknown said...

Personally it's my favorite worship song at the moment and if there is a way to get on mp3 I will. I guess that when you understand that God loves you, and you really get it. Alot of the stuff you find to be cool and this whole contra everything rebelious nature attitude just seems so childish. Dude, I feel that worship and thank God that he put it on someones heart to write such "ridiculous" lyrics.

Unknown said...

"Oh how He
loves ME SOOOOOOOO....."

Anonymous said...

i think they changed the lyrics from " a sloppy wet kiss" to an "unforseen kiss" ???
at least, that's how the David crowder band sings it....?

Sarah Pickar said...

do you know that God is passionately in love with you all? no matter how odd that seems the bible does say we, as christians, are the brides of God (Rev 19:7, Rev 21:2, song of solomon 4:9). this song was sung at my chapel today and it overwhelmed me with peace. all i know is this world is full of brokenness and my God is always good and he loves us so much. that makes my life worth living.

Anonymous said...

This is one of my favorite worship songs. I mean, He loves us! So much! I cry every time I hear it. (and it is unforseen kiss now)

I think you need to find something better to blog about.

Unknown said...

As Christians we are called to not judge but that is exactly what you are doing. Why don't you take the time to look at some of the secular music of this world and actually be a witness instead of putting other WORSHIP SONGS down. I personally don't like this song either but I respect the meaning behind it. God loves us more than words can ever say; the person who wrote the song was just expressing their love for God. At least they're not singing about having sex and partying and getting high.

Anonymous said...

wow! Finally, I can't believe it. I'll have to come visit this blog more often. It's so fun watching "christians" fight. Note the use of little c as well as quotations. Way to bash each other.

Anonymous said...

Not a blogger by nature, have bettter things to do, but thought I'd stop here for a minute. If you are truly worshipping, it doesn't matter what the music or what the lyric, your focus is on the awesomeness of God you worship. Disenters, get over it...

This is the most amazing lyric...
but you need to be smart enough to understand it. Or maybe plugged into Jesus enough to understand it.

He is jealous for me
Loves like a hurricane, I am a tree
Bending beneath the weight of His wind and mercy
When all of a sudden, I am unaware
of these afflictions eclipsed by glory
and I realize just how beautiful You are
and how great your affections are for me.

This is the heart of worshop. His Grace, Glory & Mercy totally overcome our pain. Quit criticising and start worshipping it is a much better use of your time. We serve an awesome God. It's Thanksgiving, time to give thanks, in all things to the giver of life.

Cherrisse said...

Actually your lyrics are wrong.. It is Heaven meets Earth like and unforeseen kiss.. how about we listen to the songs before we make a judgement. like we should get to know someone before we judge them since we are Christians we can follow the Word of God and NOT judge anything..

Love4Gemma said...

It's a GREAT SONG!! You just don't understand it.

Anonymous said...

She's right. Your lyrics are wrong. "An unforseen kiss"

Anonymous said...

David Crowder changed the lyrics when they recorded it. And I think that the lyrics are so absurd that it is hard to concentrate on worshiping when singing about a sloppy wet kiss.

Anonymous said...

i love this song during worship, however i guess someone like you that just sits back & looks at it wouldn't understand. but if you are truly in worship and meaning the words you sing, you would find that this song can be very uplifting. (:

Anonymous said...

These are the actual lyrics and if you're going to criticize someone's lyrics get them right because it makes you look like an idiot and if you were a Christ follower you wouldn't be judging in the first place.

Anonymous said...

ummm actually the lyrics say "unforeseen kiss" not wet sloppy kiss, you weirdos.

Anonymous said...

It could all just be an intimacy problem. When God's love comes breaking in to a place that's available to Him and Him alone,that has been opened up to Him in worship, it can be totally overwhelming and sweep you away so fully that it could be considered a sloppy wet kiss in an unpoluted and innocent sense of the word. Song of Solomon is a heavy Book of the Bible but not a problem to God. Any more than a sloppy wet kiss is. There are a lot of people in love with Jesus that enjoy intimacy with Him and enjoy and know the Kiss of Heaven. God would rather us jump in the River of His Love than sit on the bank and observe everyone else. And I'm sure everyone can agree on this--How Wonderful and Glorious and Beautiful and Holy is our Altogether Lovely King!

Anonymous said...

does it not say

'so heaven meets earth like an unforeseen kiss' ?

i could be wrong buts that what it sounds like to me when i listen to it. great song anyway though

Anonymous said...

does it not say

'so heaven meets earth like an unforeseen kiss' ?

i could be wrong buts that what it sounds like to me when i listen to it. great song anyway though

Anonymous said...

Wow...I'm old... I don't understand a darn thing in this song. I agree that the lyrics could be more sensible... more theologically accurate...but so could the words of "We Three Kings?" lol

Still, I find myself humming this song this week. I've lost my job...a ministry job....where I thought I was serving God and doing what He called me to do.'s gone.... "loves like a hurricane I am the tree - bending beneath the weight of his wind and mercy." In scripture, wind is always a metaphor for the presence or Spirit of God. Sometimes to shape us, he allows us to be tested - or maybe HE tests us himself? Maybe he must bend us to strengthen us?

I'm the tree... bending.... standing because His spirit always comes by His grace....

Mock it if you want to .. I thought the song was stupid two weeks ago... now I find myself needing to know that the funny sloppy kiss my grandmother used to give me... with all the love in her heart...was only a flicker of the love that God has for me right now in my hour of absolute need.

shane said...

its unforeseen kiss now....

Kevin Benico said...

Hi. I'm Kevin, 19 years old. I can't believe I'm commenting an a year-old thread. I just want to express my appreciation for this song. After hearing it, the first thing that came out of my mind was not exactly "why use such words?", rather, "who am I singing this song". I feel unworthy to be loved by Jesus, and yet, I am loved. And so, like the composer of the song, I am running my worship to Jesus.

Anonymous said...

Actually I have heard it as "...a Beautiful kiss..."

Kaytlin said...

The version we sang at my church camp this year says that "So heaven meets earth and I cannot resist as my heart turns violently inside of my chest". The Ben Davis Project redoes it amazingly. We were all crying our heart out because this song really just kinda hits that yeah you know your life can be pretty messed up and you may feel all alone but somebody loves you enough to be tortured to death for you..

Anonymous said...

Just because a song has 'Glory, Holy, or Jesus' in it does not make it a worship song. Sadly this is how this song makes me feel, along with many of the other worship songs that have become the formulaic pattern for CCR. I mentioned in my church that Hurricanes sort of destroy cities.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for criticizing this worthless, pot-smoking, crack-headed freakshow of a song. It's sub-literate.


Anonymous said...

I am so thankful to be loved like a hurricane....sometimes we need a storm to wake us up! I sure did! I would rather be sinking in Mercy than in DENIAL.

Anonymous said...

This is in response to the person who wrote this-

How can you just sit there and insult a man you have never met and probably know nothing about? How is that the Christ like reaction to a song that has lead many people to God and started a revival among many young people? If that is all you have to say please keep it to yourself because that is in no way helping anyone.

P.S. I love this song!

Anonymous said...

It is true that hurricanes rip up and destroy things.
I want God's full force love in my life to rip up and destroy the parts of my life that need to change.
God isn't a tame God, He is a wild and wonderful and powerful and awe-inspiring God. We are totally at a loss for control when matched up against God's powerful love. Sounds like a hurricane to me. It is wonderful to be loved with that powerful love! I want to be that tree, willing to be bent and broken to be in the middle of His love.

Anonymous said...

they did this song at a church voluntary funeral (chris kurkandly) i loved this song and when they played it. it stuck to me.he was an amazing man he change so many kids lifes

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting the lyrics to the song. You were the first link, under google, to show the lyrics. The song was played in our worship service and I was touched by the line "If grace is an ocean, we are sinking"... I need God's grace, as I mess up constantly. It feels good to think of water surrounding me in the physical world just as grace surrounds me int he spiritual world. Thanks, I needed that.

Anonymous said...

This is MY worship song, MY way of worshipping and meeting with MY GOD. You have no right no mock it. so please dont. you dont have to like it. But you dont need to have a site devoted to criticizing it.

Chelsee said...

This is MY WORSHIP song to MY GOD. i LOVE this song as it speaks to the very depths of my heart. Its painful to see that even though you may not have the same appreciation for it, you go as far as to mock it. that is not what God called for us to do. maybe you should really take a step back and take a deep look into what it says to my fellow believers and how it touches them. it may touch you as well.

The Wanderer said...

Well, Chelsee, I'm sorry that YOUR song to YOUR God sucks. I'll pray for you.

Whereas my "right" to mock it is concerned, I suppose whether or not I have any "right" to mock it depends on how we're defining rights. In a legal sense, the first amendment gives me the right to freedom of speech.

If you're speaking in a moral sense, the Judeo-Christian ethic allows for open and honest criticism amongst believers, which would give me some right to express concern for the song if I believed it could be detrimental to one's faith (I believe stupid Christian songs can indeed be detrimental to one's faith).

Finally, as to your remarks of allowing this song to touch me, I'm afraid the only part of me this song touches is my gag reflex.

Anonymous said...

Mildito aquel que intenta dañar el corazon de Sus hijos.

The Wanderer said...

Este mandamiento nuevo les doy: que se amen los unos a los otros. Así como yo los he amado, también ustedes deben amarse los unos a los otros. De este modo todos sabrán que son mis discípulos, si se aman los unos a los otros.

Anonymous said...

Actually the correct lyrics is "beautiful kiss", get your facts straight.

Anonymous said...

Actually, Anonymous, maybe if you'd read almost any comment that's been left before on the subject, the original lyrics (as written by John Mark McMillan) are SLOPPY WET KISS. Get YOUR facts straight.

Anonymous said...

What amazes me is that as far as I can tell, no one has noticed the pagan imagery of this song. The poem "Leda and the Swan" comes to mind.

Holy is the Lord! His imagery regarding his love for Israel, and later, the Church, is in the context of the Covenant. That is the basis of his redemptive love for us.His love is a sacrificial laying down His own Life for us.

As Mary said, "Behold the handmaiden of the Lord. Be it unto me according to your word".

No hurricane there.

"Amazing Love! How can it be
that thou my God shouldst die for me!"

God be with you!

RoseM said...

He made the hurricane people! Ya think He is scared of it, or offended by it?

Anonymous said...

I don't know if it makes any difference but I believe the words are "Unforseen kiss" not "sloppy wet kiss" - just saying

joshua said...

is this a christain site if so why are you dissing other christains. you should be letting the spirit move in services and not complaining about the music, ya this song has some strang lyrics but its alot better than the crap you hear on the radio. all it is auto tuned bull crap. the man who sings this has a great voice good clean lyrics and a pure heart. get off his back haters. oh and i bet you couldnt write a sang half as nice as this one.

CrabAbby said...

The original words by John Mark McMillan, the author, were indeed "sloppy wet kiss." Did you get that? "Sloppy wet kiss" is really what he wrote. It's not something Wandering made up. Please research it for yourself. I agree with Wandering; "How He Loves" may be the worst worship song ever! I am appalled that it is so frequently sung (even with some word changes). Words do matter -- we are singing to a holy God! He deserves our best, most excellent and articulate expressions. I understand the anguish of McMillan when he wrote it. I don't question his intent, and his concept -- that we sometimes have questions about life and about God's providence --is certainly a relevant one for a worship song. In fact, I applaud the concept. But his metaphors, descriptions, and theology are imprecise, muddy, or downright inaccurate. McMillan may have felt like he had been through an awful ordeal, but God is not a hurricane -- it's wrong to compare God to a terrible, destructive life-taking storm. We don't sink in grace. On the contrary, God's wonderful grace lifts us out of the ocean of sin -- He rescues us rather than let us sink. One after another, the metaphors are just all wrong.

CrabAbby said...

A correction from my previous post: I inadvertently referred to God being a hurricane rather than God's LOVE being a hurricane. Sorry about that. But the point is the same: it is a bad metaphor to compare the wonderful love of God, demonstrated most profoundly in the offering of His Son for our sins, to a destructive hurricane. It's just wrong. Again, I point out that the idea for this song is a powerful one -- we sometimes wrestle with understanding who God is and why things happen the way they do. My disappointment is that many of the lyrics are incorrect or imprecise metaphors, and they detract from the potential power of the message.

eehiggs said...

You might want to get it right - It is "unforseen kiss" not a sloppy wet some research.

The Wanderer said...

eehiggs, thanks for your wonderfully insightful comment. However, maybe in the future YOU would like to do some research, maybe by reading any one of the dozens of posts before yours about this very topic.

The ORIGINAL version by John Mark McMillan (the one I heard over two years ago when I wrote this post before David Crowder Band redid the song) used the lyric sloppy wet kiss. If, you know, you want to get it right.

Mary said...

Just some food for thought: the word "worship" actually means to kiss, as in to lean towards or turn towards a kiss. So the very fact that there is debate over the "kissing" lyrics in a worship song makes me smile.

Also, as a parent, I adored the sloppy, wet kisses from my toddlers when they learned to show their love to me with a kiss. I liken to think that maybe my kisses (worship) to God, my loving Daddy, might seem a little sloppy and wet to Him, but He will take my worship no matter how messy it may be. Perhaps this song, in and of itself, is demonstrating that.

I personally love this song, and it is one of my all time favorites. Why? When the worship leaders in my fellowship play it, God's presence is so strong and lives and hearts ARE turned towards Him violently, people are brought to their knees, there is weeping, there is rejoicing, and there is healing - it's a beautiful thing - when we worship Him, He shows up! He is strong in our weaknesses.

Anonymous said...

I walked into the middle of this when a friend of mine posted on Facebook some of these lyrics. FWIW, my first impression of this song reminded me of my experiences when God reveals Himself in a single moment awareness: faith comes to a sure knowledge, all things worldly and carnal disperse to void, and finite spirit self fragile and small blooms immersed into the baptism of love. I am... and he loves me.

So, I completely understand how difficult it is to explain, or sing, or write artistically of that experience. How many won't understand, or try. Why? I don't know. Why God has not chosen them to know, I don't know. Why they weren't built to seek, I don't know. Why some who's lives filled with the greatest of faith God does not choose to reveal. I don't know. I do know that one cannot blaspheme that which is unknown. Cannot commit an unpardonable sin against that which they do not understand. Cannot reject that which they've never had. It is a blessing that I was born with mild Autism that does not know how to hate, that does not know how to judge, that observes a worldly pattern blindly stumble along the path of Atheism, toward Doubt, toward Agnosticism, toward Faith, toward Faith that comes to a sure knowledge - how he loves, toward that knowing which only God may choose reveal for the reasons he chooses. I know. Why me? To tell you? I do not know why - me. But, I do know what this man was trying to say in his song; and like all worldly things... falls short. Like my explanation. Like all my works -filthy rags compared to How He Loves.

Anonymous said...

Oh how I love him so... We love because HE first loved us. The love and adoration of Abba father is living in me. The song makes me smile and it's in my heart. He loves you too and waiting for you to live in his wonderful amazing love. May I suggest to the author - Crazy Love by Francis Chan that will open to you a love that is wonderfully CRAZY!!!

Anonymous said...

How He loves us indeed! I love the metaphors and poetry of the song. It may not work in a carefully planned, strictly time framed order of service,but Jesus was a bit of a spiritual insurrectionist Himself.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how long this discussion has gone on but here go my thoughts.

1.It doesn't matter if the original lyrics were sloppy wet kiss- most individuals who come to know the song (through David Crowder) know it as something else less "offensive" and since this seems to be the line everyone has such issue with it's a moot point.

2. Not everyone encounters God's love for the first time from a quiet church pew. When God's love finishes with some of us- especially to the outside observer- it looks more like a hurricane has been through. Families ripped apart, relationships destroyed, people uprooted and moved half way around the world. It saddens me to think that my brother here has never experienced this form of God's love- that turns your world upside down. My prayer for you is that some day you will so that you might have some compassion and understanding for your fellow Christians who have.

3. This scene is feeling all too familiar to me. I believe there were a group of people who criticized the way a sinful woman came to worship Jesus. You see a sloppy wet kiss as such a sensual term to be used in a worship song but this woman (for the time period) did something far more sensual in her worship by pouring out expensive perfume, letting her hair down- something reserved only for a husband- and washing the feet of her Savior with her tears. I believe Jesus then rebuked those criticizing her (yes I know his rebuke was more about the cost but I feel in that he also rebuked them for criticizing her form of worship).

I pray some day you can know the full force of God's love and will be able to understand why some of us sing it with such passion to out Savior! I'm not saying you ever have to like it (goodness knows I don't like the old hymns that don't make sense or express how I feel)- just respect those of us who do. Praise God for the differences he gave us!

Lois Y said...

Love like a hurricane is Biblical - once you get to the Hebrew of it. Zephaniah 3:17 - three times a word related to joy is used. The first two mean what we expect, but the third; Strong's H1523; is different.
Properly, it means to 'spin around under the influence of any violent emotion.'
The verse says this is how God, YHVH, joys over us!
A wet sloppy or beautiful kiss - think of a baby just learning to kiss, with the mouth wide open and drooling. Or think of HIM splashing in puddles during a warm summer rain - with you. It's great - because He is!

Anonymous said...

i truely love this song with all my heart, just by listerning and singing those words is just so awesome, as i have felt the holy spirit and power of god move in my life. those words of the song have really touched my heart. it just goes to show us the love of our lord jesus christ. he is the alpha and omega.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this song. I found your remarks while looking for the lyrics. I realize it's been awhile and you must already know that the lyrics are now "unforeseen kiss" (you're right "sloppy wet kiss" does not belong in a worship song - tacky). The other morning, after a night of tossing and turning and misery, I woke with this song playing in my head. He is jealous for me (a Biblically supported statement BTW) loves like a hurricane, I am a tree bending beneath the weight of his wind and mercy. It paints a beautiful picture in my head and I have to smile...

dgriff7681 said...

I'd just like to make a quick point. God loves worship, that is all the Bible says. Not that He picks and chooses His favorites, so what gives a man the right to critique worship?

Anonymous said...

Hello, I'm 16 and I was wiccan. I was listening to this song and all of a sudden I was like "Oh my gosh, God loves me so much and I've just been blatantly disobeying Him." This was definitely one of the songs that brought me back to God. That and it's just so poetically beautiful, not the boring usual type that all sounds the same. Maybe people are upset because they don't like that it is actually interesting to listen to and has literary devices? I don't know why, but it's gorgeous.